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Site Inspection
Visual Vibe Ventures
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Site Inspection
© 2025 Visual Vibe Ventures
Site Inspection
Please fill out completely
Please do NOT use just your cell phone for this site inspection. It must be done on a laptop. Please use your cell phone only for hotspot purposes. EVERY Field must be answered or this form will not be accepted or paid.
Site Inspection Location
Surveying Technician Name
Your name
Surveying Technician Phone
Your phone number
Surveying Technician Email
Your email
Venue Information
Access Instructions
How do attendees access the location and room?
Venue Hours
Please enter all the business hours
Primary Event Room Name
What is the name and floor location of the main event room being proposed?
Primary Room Capacity
How many persons can the room comfortably hold?
Alternate Event Room Name
If any, what other rooms would be available for events?
Alternate Room Capacity
How many persons can the room comfortably hold?
Room Notes
Identify any other suitable rooms at the location with basic capacity information and list those here. Would we be able to provide AV in these rooms comfortably?
AV Information
AV Equipment
What equipment does the venue provide? Type "none" if there is no AV available at the venue. Please verify the question at the bottom of this form to ensure the information is posted.
Television Size
Must be 65" or above. If not, please enter that information in AV EQUIPMENT above.
Sound System is Adequate?
Test the sound system to make sure the test footage is clearly audible throughout the room, and confirm with this by typing in notes. Please connect your laptop to the venue TV and play YouTube music for one minute to make sure that there is no cut outs and it is loud enough so the room can hear the broadcast.
Using, test both the venue internet connection as well as your hotspot internet connection, and record the resulting data below. If a venue does not provide wired or wireless internet, select "cellular bonded" as the response.
Venue Internet
What types of internet connections does the venue provide? Such as WIFI wireless, Ethernet, or Hotspot only
WIFI Password
Is a password required to get access to wireless internet? If so, please type the password. If NO, please write none required.
Venue Internet Download Speed
Please enter example 25mbps in the field.
Venue Internet Upload Speed
Please enter example 25mbps in the field.
What Cellular Service Do You Have?
EX: Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, etc
Hotspot Internet Upload
Please enter example 25mbps in the field.
Hotspot Internet Download
Please enter example 25mbps in the field.
Please tell us anything else that you would think is important for us to know so that we can successfully host an event here at this venue. Do you feel that this is a good location? Any feedback is appreciated.
Instructions for SPEEDTEST Screenshots
Please text your screenshots to 3212363718 png|jpe?g|gif|jpg|pdf
Does the venue charge for their AV equipment?
Please tell us what they will charge VVV for the use of their AV equipment unless it is included in the room charge.
IF the form gives you an error when you are trying to submit it please remove the text in the screenshot upload fields and hit submit again. Please text those photos to Kevin at 3212415705. Thank you.
Please verify you are a human
Please enter these two digits
Example: 12
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