Site Inspection

Please fill out completely

  • Please do NOT use just your cell phone for this site inspection. It must be done on a laptop. Please use your cell phone only for hotspot purposes. EVERY Field must be answered or this form will not be accepted or paid.
  • Venue Information

  • AV Information

  • Connectivity

  • Using, test both the venue internet connection as well as your hotspot internet connection, and record the resulting data below. If a venue does not provide wired or wireless internet, select "cellular bonded" as the response.
  • Please text your screenshots to 3212363718 png|jpe?g|gif|jpg|pdf
  • IF the form gives you an error when you are trying to submit it please remove the text in the screenshot upload fields and hit submit again. Please text those photos to Kevin at 3212415705. Thank you.

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